
European Burmese Cat

The European Burmese cat has a coat that is short and fine. There is almost no undercoat and the texture is satiny. The large and alert eyes are set apart with a slight slant toward the nose. The eyes are a bright yellow to amber. The medium-sized ears are wide at the base and are set apart with a small forward tilt. The head is somewhat rounded with wide cheekbones and a strong chin. The body is medium in size and length. The chest is strong and the body may be hard and muscular. The European Burmese cats may be heavier than they appear. The legs are slender and the tail length is medium.

The European Burmese is a medium-sized shorthaired cat. These cats are extremely smart. loving and devoted. The European Burmese is an elegant cat that has good bone structure. The eyes are expressive with a sweet facial expression. These cats love people and make great companions. They do prefer the company of other animal. but can adjust to being the only pet.

European Burmese History:
The European Burmese, sometimes known as the foreign Burmese, was developed in the 1960s by British breeders who imported Burmese cats to England and then crossed them with red-point Siamese and British Shorthairs in an attempt to expand the gene pool. By introducing the gene for red, they expanded the number of coat colors in the breed. The European Burmese was recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in 1994. Now, it’s also recognized by the Canadian Cat Association (CCA), Cat Fanciers Federation (CFF), Traditional Cat Association (TCA) and United Feline Organization (UFO). The CCA and CFF register it as the Foreign Burmese.

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